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Ann Marie Dewhurst

Registered Psychologist, Program Developer

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Dr. Ann Marie Dewhurst is a registered psychologist and graduate program instructor who specializes in clinical and forensic psychology. Dr. Dewhurst has over 30 years of counselling and assessment experience in a variety of clinical settings including community mental health, provincial and federal corrections. Dr. Dewhurst’s extensive knowledge base and experience  has proven  to be invaluable  in her role as co-developer role of RAE’s Formal Clinical Assessment Program.


Assessment work has always been a core aspect of Dr. Dewhurst’s practice, While employed with the Correctional Service of Canada, Dr. Dewhurst

conducted risk assessments regarding men and women applying for parole.  She has focused her practice on risk assessments related to intimate partner violence, sexual abuse and violence recidivism. Since entering private practice in 2004, Dr. Dewhurst expanded her clinical practice to include assessment work related to child protection and family court matters (i.e., parenting assessments, practice note 7). She has appeared as an expert witness in both family and criminal court proceedings. Dr. Dewhurst instructs graduate Psychology programs at the University of Alberta and Athabasca University's Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology. Dr. Dewhurst is currently a member of the Canadian Psychological Association ethics committee.


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Courses Taught

  • Formal Clinical Assessment Program

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